Mersiha Ramic

Mersiha Ramic is a RYT 500 certified yoga teacher. She found yoga in high school in 2012, and it’s stuck with her ever since. In 2018 she joined DDY as a student, and loved it so much she decided to pursue teacher training to make yoga attainable and accessible to anybody and everybody.

Born in Bosnia, Mersiha grew up here in GA and ya girl is a popcorn QUEEN. When she’s not in the studio you can find her traveling, buying plants, dancing, or eating popcorn (or tbh, all of the above). She’s an adrenaline junkie, arm balance hoe, and always here for a good playlist.

She’s a firm supporter in woman’s rights, equality for our LGBTQ+ community, and a believer that yoga is for everybody - regardless of age, gender, race, or religion. Her favorite thing about this practice is how it units People and brings together a community. She’s always down for a marg, here for a good dance party, and always learning every time she steps on her mat.

As a Senior DDY teacher, Mersiha also leads our 6 Week Yoga 101 Series. If you are looking to start a yoga practice, she will be your new best friend.

Fun Mersiha Fact: “I have an adorable pup named Benji who I’m obsessed with.”

Fave Yoga Pose: “Eight angle pose! I love arm balances and there’s so many fun transitions you can do with this pose. So so much fun, and a great way to keep my practice dynamic and challenging.”

Find Mersiha on Instagram at @mersiha_ramic

Gemini Sun

Sagittarius Moon

Leo Rising


Elizabeth Rowan


Sarah Vaughn