New here? Try our new student special!

30 days unlimited for $49

If you’re new to DDY, try a 30 day plan for only $49! Come to any and all classes to get to know our teachers, our space, and to learn more about DDY.

($130 Per month thereafter.)

Membership Options:

  • Unlimited Membership

    $130 per. month. 3 Month Commitment. Unlimited Yoga. Auto Billed until canceled in writing with 15 days notice*. Our best deal.

  • Mini Membership

    $89 per month for 5 classes a month. 3 Month Commitment. Auto Billed until canceled in writing with 15 days notice*. Classes do not roll over.

  • One Month Unlimited

    $150 per month. No contacts. No commitment. Just 30 days of kickass, feel good, unlimited yoga.

* In order to cancel membership, email notice of cancellation must be provided 15 days prior to billing date sent to There is a early termination fee on all packages if canceled in the first 3 months. After 3 months, your contact is month to month and must be canceled with 15 days of the next billing date.

Go Love Yourself with some yoga.

$1500 One Year Unlimited Paid In Full.

Already love DDY? Purchase a Year in Full and save up to $300 a year, plus:

  • 25% of DDY Branded apparel, yoga mats, blocks + towels

  • 25% off most workshops

  • $500 discount on teacher training

  • Complimentary mat rental when you forget yours

A la Carte Options:

Monthly Memberships

All memberships will auto renew. In order to cancel membership, email notice of cancellation must be provided 15 days prior to billing date sent to There is a early termination fee on all packages if canceled in the first 3 months. After 3 months, your contact is month to month and must be canceled with 15 days of the next billing date.

Package Type Price You Pay 3x a week 4x a week 5x a week
1 Month Unlimited $150/mo $12.50 $9.37 $7.50
12 Months Unlimited $130/mo $10.83 $8.12 $6.50
12 Month Prepaid $1,500.00 $9.61 $7.21 $5.76

Class Packages

5 Class Auto Renew is billed every month on the same date, and may not be shared. 10 and 20 Class Passes expire after 6 months and may be shared.

Package Type Price You Pay Cost Per Class
Drop In $28 $28
5 Class Auto Renew $89 $17.80
10 Class Pack $225 $22.50
20 Class Pack $380 $19