Top 10 Reasons to Do Yoga at DDY

oga makes you HOT.

But seriously. There are unlimited reasons to practice yoga. Here are our top ten:

1) Yoga is the ULTIMATE way to de-stress. As yogis know, your friends and family KNOW when you haven’t been to yoga in a while. Yoga reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure and can even help alleviate depression and anxiety. If you’re feeling wound up, roll out your mat and unwind.

2) It’s a kickass workout. Look, you may not be pumping iron in the studio, but you will SWEAT and not just because we turn up the heat. Yoga is a low-impact way to have high impact results, even resulting in weight loss and muscle gain.

3) Yoga can make your smarter. And not just smart-assier. A regular practice sharpens your mind and makes your synapses fire. Giddy up.

4) Yoga is a great way to strength and cross-train. Baptiste yoga engages all of your muscle groups, from your core to your arms, legs and back. Physiologically, the Baptiste practice at DDY is well-rounded, holistic and ass kicking.

5) Yoga can reduce pain. Neck pain, back pain, knee pain, arthritis pain— yoga is a great way to attack those pesky aches and pains and live a better life. Really. This shit works. Don’t believe us? Check out what Harvard has to say.

6) Yoga can help you SLEEP. Need more ZZZZ in your life? A regular yoga practice can help you sleep better. By quieting the “monkey mind” you are ready for slumber. Yoga Nidra is even better. We will post yoga moves for nighttime here soon,

7. Yoga builds community. Feel alone? Yoga teaches us that we are all in this shit together. Connect with others. Prop each other up. It’s like magic. At DDY, we are experts in community and we want you to experience it.

8. Yoga has been known to cause extreme happiness. Want to give less fucks? Yoga. Want to smile more? Yoga. Want to just FEEL better? Yoga. Science Daily says that yoga has been shown to increase the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical in the brain that helps to regulate nerve activity.

9. Yoga makes you more flexible and balanced. While strength is important, so is flexibility. Don’t tell us you can’t yoga because you cant touch your toes. That is WHY you start!

10. Yoga is life-changing. No matter why you come to your mat, yoga will change you, and for the better. Your friends and family may even start paying for you to go, because they will like you so much more. It’s worth a shot.

We have a saying at DDY— Practice once a week and you will change your mood. Practice 3x a week and you will change your body. Practice 5x a week and yoga will change your life. So what are you WAITING for???



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