Satya: Be True To Yo'self

Satya is the ability to be honest and speak the truth without exaggeration or repression. In the modern world, we may call this “speaking straight.”  Satya does not sugar coat or mislead.   When we practice Satya, we aim for our attention to align with our intention, and strive for our actions to align with our words.  This means we say what we mean, mean what say, and DO what we say.  Satya could also be called integrity. 

Practicing Satya encourages a radical honesty about others and ourselves. While it requires speaking straight, it also sometimes requires not speaking at all.    Each of the Yamas intertwines with the other.  When people use truth being as a weapon with the intention to hurt, and hide behind the fact that it is the truth that was spoken, an important element of Satya is missing.  The “truth” may have been spoken, but the harm caused by that truth causes a lack of integrity, therefore a lack of Satya.  THINK before you speak.  Is it true?  Is it helpful? Is it inspiring?  Is it necessary?  Is it kind?  If not, keep it to yourself.⠀


Asteya: The Truth Hurts


Yamas (Rhymes With Llamas) and all that ethical schizz