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Find Your Flow: Developing A Home Yoga Practice

Love yoga, but have a hard time developing & sticking with a home practice? You are most certainly not alone! Whether you’ve placed your home practice in the framework of devotion, dedication, or discipline, this workshop may be just what you need to get your home practice off the ground, and continue it even thru the hard days. We will work with some sequence chunks to build a foundation for an interesting home asana practice as well as discuss ways to incorporate the other limbs of yoga – such as pranayama, niyama, & dhyana, into your day in order to foster a regular personal practice. Join Sam Kim for this two-hour workshop to gain tools to help get you grounded into a beautiful home practice that is just right for you!

October 20

Breath's Blueprint: The Science and Spirit of Pranayama

October 30

Supernatural Sutras™ with Elizabeth Rowan + Aura Weaver