The DDY Blog
Yoga Nidra for Sleep
The word Nidra means sleep in Sanskrit. When combined with the word yoga, it represents a paradox— Yoga Nidra is an invitation to awaken.
Metta + Rose Mediations for the Anahata Chakra
The word “metta” is a Pali word that loosely translates as “loving kindness.” Compassion comes from within. We can never truly love others until we practice that emotion towards ourselves. Metta is a form of Buddhist Meditation that focuses on selfless love.
Ahimsa: May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy And Free
Ahimsa means practicing kindness to all living things– to ourselves, to others and to animals in our every thought and every action.
BRAHMACHARYA: Let's talk about Sex
Brahmacharya is the practice of moderation but it has so many layer….
Asteya: The Truth Hurts
Though this seems self-explanatory, Asteya is more than refraining from stealing.
Yamas (Rhymes With Llamas) and all that ethical schizz
The Yamas (Conduct and Restraints) are considered the foundation for those following the path of yoga. They are universal enough to be attempted by anyone, yoga practitioner or not.