Metta + Rose Mediations for the Anahata Chakra

The word “metta” is a Pali word that loosely translates as “loving kindness.” Compassion comes from within. We can never truly love others until we practice that emotion towards ourselves. Metta is a form of Buddhist Meditation that focuses on selfless love.

  • “Metta” means “benevolence, friendliness, friendship, goodwill, kindness” in Pali

  • The four qualities that naturally develop with this practice are: friendliness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. Much like the Four Locks and Keys in the yoga sutras, these qualities are associated with happiness.

  • My favorite way to begin or end a Loving Kindness meditation is with the healing chant that essentially sends the same message. Learn this chant! It is an easy way to introduce your students to the beauty and ease of Bhakti Yoga!

  • Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhanvantu: May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

Join me in this video to find a metta practice that works for you in these two loving kindness meditations.

xoxo Shelley


Yoga Nidra for Sleep


Ahimsa: May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy And Free