You’re a skilled teacher—your students tell you that you change their lives!—yet you wonder if you could be even more transformative if you added confident assists and adjustments to your teaching.
If you know the power of assists and adjustments but hold back because you’re afraid you’ll break someone’s arm (you won’t), cause harm (learn methods & nuance to minimize this) or mess up (you will and live to tell), let’s demystify them, boost your confidence and increase your impact as a teacher.
Join Elizabeth Rowan, MA, E-RYT 500, for an abbreviated immersion into The Alchemy of Adjustments. Get a refresher on hands-on, verbal, non-verbal and energetic adjustments that foster connection, trust, and physical and psychological breakthroughs. Give and receive assists and adjustments for a variety of asanas, circumstances, and students. Trust yourself to give skilled, safe, strategic assists and adjustments, become a more effective teacher, and leave every student feeling seen and more connected to themselves in body and mind.
For new and established teachers who want to stop feeling intimidated, refine and deepen your teaching prowess, and facilitate unforgettable transformation for your clients and students.
Never taken a class from Elizabeth before? We recommend experiencing her hands on adjustments in class before taking this workshop. Elizabeth teaches Alchemy of Adjustments on Wednesdays at 6:15pm and Saturdays at 10:30am.